A government department is using outdated technology, causing inefficiency and corruption. As an officer, how would you introduce digital reforms while ensuring employee adaptability?

In Pakistan, unfortunately, it is a very reasonable cause of corruption and inefficiency of the system. There are mostly over departments that should be updated with the latest technology but are still using the outdated one. It is because of the insufficient priority given to this important issue by the government. Despite being short of resources, we can update our technology efficiently. Using the updated technology doesn’t only remove the corruption factors from our system but also will improve and enhance the efficiency of our system.

Let us consider a case of law enforcement department, police services of Pakistan. Everybody knows that corruption is found in every department of Pakistan, but it must be eliminated from police services at least. Because if our PSP authority, PSP department, will be corruption-free, then we can say that all other departments can be corruption-free in the future with proper priority and proper precautions.

Someone coming to the police station for filing a case against a criminal who committed something wrong with him passes through a process of crime itself. He has to pay a slight amount of bribe in order to get his work done. It seems to be small because I don’t think it caused any harm to the person to pay 500 rupees for filing a case against someone who has actually committed a sin against him. But the problem is of corruption. We have to eliminate this, and it cannot be possible by using our data technology.

In most of our police stations, the manual writing and storing of the information of a case is being practiced. We need to upgrade this system by introducing technology. We can introduce a nationwide system of database where we can store the information of every case filed against a criminal. Because in this case, every individual will be able to at least submit his request for the filing of FIR against the criminal.

And when there will be a pure record of FIRs that are requested to be filed, but due to corruption, they are not filed, then they will be working as expected. Because they know that they are easily being trapped by higher authorities. And in this case, if the filed case requested was wrong, then the police officers can dismiss the request. But they have to give a proper reason for the dismissal with the proofs. In case of lack of such solid proofs for the dismissal of the request by a citizen, there can be legal actions taken against police officers.

Similarly, in our educational system, we can introduce technology in a very strategic way. I believe that in Pakistan, there are over 500 universities nationwide, and out of them, not a single one is ranked among the 500 top universities in the world. If we want to enhance and grow the economy of our country, we should pay attention to this critical point and matter of our lives. It is because where there will be an educated youth system working in the country, they can sell their services and expand the economy of the country very well and significantly. That might not be possible just by doing the labor work.

In this system, we can introduce the system of AI technology. We know that it is very difficult initially for the government and departments both to make the schools wider and to expand them in general, so that there would be ample space available for the students to attend the lecture properly. We know that there are, on average, 60 students present in a class, which is capable of accommodating no more than 20 to 25. In this case, neither the teacher nor the students are able to pay sufficient and required attention to what they are conveying and receiving, respectively.

By introducing the system of AI technology, artificial intelligence, we can make our students capable of enhancing their critical thinking by asking every question raised in their minds from the AI chatbot like ChatGPT or DeepSeek AI etc. In this case, a point rises that most of our students belong to government educational institutions, schools, and colleges etc., having insufficient command of writing and speaking the English language.

Then how can they efficiently be able to use the AI chatbots? I would like to take into account such an artificial intelligence-based chatbot that will support not only the international language, English, but also the regional languages of small villages of Pakistan, especially the backward areas and remote areas of the country, and make them able to use the students efficiently.

This will improve the analytical thinking and psychological nature of the students, and they will be able to enhance their skills, their knowledge, and their eagerness to study and learn something actually rather than just cramming the pre-written text in the books.

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