The bureaucratic system in any country plays a significant role in either building or destroying the future of a nation. It is because the bureaucratic responsibilities are not just bounded to keep a check and balance of the department they are heading, but it also includes introducing new ideas to the system for the betterment of the country.
As we know that in Pakistan, since when the bureaucratic system has come under the political figures, the political influence on the duties of bureaucrats has been increased. When the bureaucrats know that their promotion is only possible when the political figures would like to do so, then they will never want to disobey the orders of politicians even if they are illegal.
Politics has a significant role at its place, but when a highly qualified CSS-recruited officer works under the politicians who are not as qualified as him, then they will apply pressure to the bureaucrat to do something illegal for them because even the justice system of Pakistan would take the side of politicians. Nevertheless, it is very important to maintain a balance between political leadership and public service. It is his responsibility to serve the public, not the politicians.
It is the right thing that the legal matters of politicians should be performed rapidly without any delay, but in case of illegal and unethical orders, we should maintain balance between both sectors of a country. We should set examples for the corrupt politicians by reporting a few of them to law enforcement agencies like NAB. I know that NAB is also working under the political figures, but being a bureaucrat, if you report the corrupt figures to the politicians above them, then they might offer some solution against it.
In most cases, law enforcement agencies and anti-corruption authorities remain active against the corrupt figures, but due to lack of attention from both the public and bureaucrats against them, they cannot do anything due to lack of proofs. If there will be strict action against a few of such political figures, then I am sure the situation will improve.
In a democratic setup, we know that the public is allowed to choose their leader who promises to fulfill their needs and introduce their projects and upcoming strategies. It means that the public has the complete right to elect the political parties who are the best fit for them. The main role of politicians in the democratic system is to make laws, and bureaucrats are responsible for their implementation.
But when the ones who are supposed to be creating laws, instead of breaking them, violate the legal framework of the country, then we cannot expect anything from the country in the future. The thing we can do is to be aware of the public regarding their power. They can report the corrupt individuals in both the bureaucratic system and political system for their corruption, and it is the responsibility of bureaucrats also not to fulfill their illegal needs. Instead, they should report them to law enforcement agencies like NAB and other anti-corruption authorities.
Because we want our country free of the personalities who violate its framework and abuse their power.