Pakistan, unfortunately, like many other countries, is suffering from the severe influence of corruption in its public systems. In most of the departments that should work without any bribes, the general public is charged a huge amount just for getting their work done. Although it is the right of the public to have their work completed by public institutions and departments without paying any bribes, in the case of Pakistan, like many other developing and underdeveloped countries, our systems are not very efficient.
To make them efficient, we need to introduce technology. I confess that introducing updated technology cannot 100% remove corruption from our system, but it can reduce it significantly. Let us pose a case when someone reaches out to the police department for filing an FIR against a criminal who committed a crime against him. Most probably, the police officers will ask him for huge bribes just to take his application into account. Moreover, this corruption is widespread across almost all departments of our country, ranging from law enforcement agencies to public administration departments.
Let us consider a case where technology allows an individual to file a request online without physically reaching the police department. This will at least eliminate the bribes they previously had to pay to police officers just to get their request noticed. Moreover, police officers cannot reject their application for filing the FIR without providing solid reasons for the dismissal of the request.
Similarly, if I am in a position to introduce a system of technology to enhance my country’s system, whether it be the educational system or law enforcement system, I will face a lot of pressure from high-ranking individuals and political personalities. This is because they have benefits associated with the corrupt system.
According to a very famous program on national TV in Pakistan, the host of the program says that corruption and the funds raised by corruption are not just confined to a few hands but go up and up, making them impossible to stop.
In that case, I will modify my AI system in a way that it can never be hacked by any individual or officer. Even if they refuse to provide me with any funds for the implementation of the technology system, I can still develop it without financial support because I am leading a team of volunteer software developers. For the sake of their integrity and national benefit, they are willing to contribute whatever is required.
Once the system is implemented, it will be very difficult for any individual to hack or alter it because it will be documented in national forums, and the media will also monitor any changes made to it. Nevertheless, Gathering evidences against the high ranked induisuals who are against the betterment and enhancement of my nation is also the most important thing to move towards the next step. This is because corruption, even in small amounts, might seem insignificant, but it definitely leads to severe consequences that are unavoidable.
After that, I will reach out to anti-corruption authorities, including NAB and other organizations operating in our country. I am sure they will take my application with solid evidence into account. Even if they fail to take action for the betterment of our nation, I will continue working as hard as I can. I believe that life is a precious gift from Allah Almighty, and only He has the power to take it back.
Moreover, even if I am forced to stop due to severe circumstances, it will no longer be my responsibility. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will hold accountable those individuals who were responsible for handling these problems but failed to do so.